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On September 12, morning watch international news

Release time:2019-09-09 14:43:43

The American economy, the United States on September IBD consumer confidence since August 45.6 rose to 51.8 in 2011, the highest level since January. The United States on September 8 week red book retail sales rose 2.7% annual rate, the former value rise 2.5%; September 8 week ICSC - Goldman sachs chain store sales are up 1.0% last week. The United States on August NFIB small business confidence index rose to 92.9, four months for the first time to rise. The United States July trade account deficit of $42 billion, July trade deficit with China jumped 7.2%. July the individual consumer outstanding loans to reduce us $3.27 billion. Rating agencies Egan - Jones for American sovereign rating warned that the country's debt worries about negative and weak economic growth; Moody's, a rating agency said, if the United States congress next year can't achieve long-term debt reduction plan, there will be a reduction in the United States May 3 a sovereign credit rating. Canada August housing starts month rate rose 8.1% to 224900 households, Canada July trade deficit widened to $2.34 billion, the highest record of red.
European economic, the media, according to the survey, the euro currency market traders display, the European central bank (ECB) years will not deposit interest rates fall below zero. Germany August wholesale price index is 123.2, the month rate rose 1.1% last month, which is greater than 0.3%. The German ministry of economic affairs think Germany in the second half of this year's economic will remain stable. British July merchandise trade account deficit of 7.149 billion pounds, lower than expected. France 2 quarter non-farm employment population final value to reduce 22400, season rate by 0.1%. The Portuguese finance ministers gaspar says, the European Union and IMF agreed to relax 78 billion euros Portugal rescue plan set tough budget target, give the government more time to achieve the goal. Greece first eight months of this year compared to the budget deficit narrow 34%, public spending and investment by the influence of the cut.
Asia, Australia, South Korea on September 1-10 exports to 11.66 billion us dollars, fell 33.8% year-on-year. South Korea 8 menstrual season adjustable unemployment rate is 3.1%, and the same in July. Australia August NAB business confidence up 4 points, to + 1, representing more than 7 month decline. Fitch ratings confirmed New Zealand foreign currency as "AA", prospects for stability.
On September 12 pieces outside dish summary:
Foreign exchange, the market is expected to QE3, the beauty of currency. In dollars, for speculation the fed relaxed policy and moody's rating warning to the United States. The dollar index in a closing: RMB 79.88, collect and record three and a half months, the afternoon the euro's rise international drive.
Crude oil, oil prices rise but trend shocks, await the fed policy decision and German court ruling. October Brandt crude oil futures prices LCOc1 rose $0.59, settlement price to $115.40 a barrel, plate interval between 114.37 - $115.46. This contract will expire on Thursday. The October CLc1 crude oil futures prices rose $0.63, settlement price to $97.17 a barrel, return to 200 day moving averages cut a 96.61 above, the latter is dealer pay close attention to technical indicators.
Gold, gold prices rise, because to send the moody's rating warning lead to the decline of the dollar. The December issue gold GCZ2 settlement price rose $3.10 to $1734 an ounce.90, townsend Reuters preliminary data shows, the volume is 250 days mean low about 40%.
Shipping, Baltic freight index decline, because of the larger ship rate down. The Baltic dry bulk freight index fell four points, or 0.6%, to 662 points.
Stock markets around the world, the us stock market climbed to the top of the federal reserve in 2007 years, on measures of optimistic mood, strengthen, the dow Jones industrial average ended up 69.07 points, or 0.52%, to 13323.36 point; Standard &poor's 500 index closed up 4.48 points, or 0.31%, to 1433 points the nasdaq small up 0.50 points, or 0.02%, to 3104.53 point.
European stock markets in bank shares led the rise, deutsche bank, whose English rich 100 index small fell 0.02%, to 5792.19 point; German DAX index stock market rose 1.34%, to 7310.11 point, for this year closing high; French CAC - index rose 0.89%, to 3537.30 point.
In Asia, Hong Kong stocks closed up slightly, the Shanghai composite index for three consecutive days end up, southeast Asia stock market decline, the market most attention the fed meeting and the German constitution court ruling, the nikkei index accept low.

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